geschiedenis: Little Boy blue come blow your horn / the sheep's in the meadow


versie en wijzigingen

2012-10-15 19:06:47
d8 e8 fis8 fis4 a8 b8( a8) fis8 a4 a8 d,8 e fis fis fis a b a fis a4 r8 d4 d8 cis8. cis16 cis8 b8 b8 b8 a4 a8 d8 d8 d8 cis4 cis8 b4 b8 a4. d,8( e8) fis8 fis4 a8 b8( a8) fis8 a4 a8 a4 a8 b8. b16 b8 cis8( b8) cis8 d4. ...
Lit-- le boy blue, come blow _ your horn, the sheep's in the mea -- dow, the cow's in the corn. Where's the boy that looks af -- ter the sheep? He's un -- der the hay -- cock fast a -- sleep. Will _ you wake him? No, _ not I! For, if I do, he'll be sure _ to cry.

2018-09-17 21:20:04
Lit-- le Lit -- tle boy blue, come blow _ your horn, the sheep's in the mea -- dow, the cow's in the corn. Where's the boy that looks af -- ter the sheep? He's un -- der the hay -- cock fast a -- sleep. Will _ you wake him? No, _ not I! For, if I do, he'll be sure _ to cry.
admin peterk